Andrey Konoval
18% of mid-level specialists and 28% of doctors work in private organizations
Oleg Shein
And here's something else interesting. The number of professors and teachers in higher education has decreased
International Labour
ITUC General Secretary makes solidarity visit to Israel
Coffee Theorist
I was surprised to learn that the Olympiad is being widely discussed, and not the successes of Russian schoolchildren at the Chemistry Olympiad or the recent International Physics Olympiad
Novoprof in PIK Group
Organizing a team to resolve labor issues The main mistake of employees who try to defend their rights ...
Poyasni za med
Prime minister instructed to work out the issue of compulsory three-year work for doctors The Ministry of Health was instructed to consider the proposals of the Federation Council "on providing regions with medical personnel"
Film business and film work
An interesting survey from colleagues
Andrey Konoval
I am somewhat perplexed. Today I am studying Rosstat data on the number of medical workers and I see a decline in 2023 for all categories of medical personnel
Oleg Shein
We continue to study "Education Indicators". A very interesting comparison of the information skills of Russian and European students.
International Labour
Briefly on the position of the right to strike in the system of standards of the International Labour Organization
Coffee Theorist
I have a great audience. Most of the posts have meaningful comments (even when I don't agree with them)
Novoprof in PIK Group
The moratorium on inspections ends in January 2025. What's nextâť“